You'll Almost a Member! Here are somethings you should know before you join.

  • Joining The Wine Concierge wine club is FREE.  You will receive an $0.00 invoice
  • Wine collections default:
    • 3 bottles (2 white wines, 1 red wine)
    • 6 bottles (3 white wines, 3 red wines)
    • 12 bottles (6 white wines, 6 red wines)
  • If you don't like the default wine collections, you can change it!  Customize your wine collection to your palate's delight.  If you like all reds, pick a red wines. Adjustments are made in your member page. Drink what you like! 


Your wine collection price will vary depending upon the wines you select. Here are the price ranges  for 3, 6 and 12 bottle collections.

  • 3 bottles ( $140 - $168)
  • 6 bottles ( $294 - $336)
  • 12 bottles ($504.00 - $671)