Liquid Infusion South of DC Cream Ale - 12 oz

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Easy drinking and approachable for everyone.

Jasmine and Andrew Dill are the co-founders and co-owners of Liquid Intrusion Brewing Company. The brewery is the first Black-owned brewery in Prince George's County, Maryland. 

We got started on our path of brewing during the beginning of the pandemic. During that time, Jasmine had transitioned to work from home and Andrew was a general manager for a Belgian-inspired beer bar, but unfortunately, he was laid off. To us, the pandemic was somewhat of a twisted gift because we could tap into many talents that we may not have previously had time for. Andrew has extensive experience serving, selling, distributing, and presenting beer, but learning to brew it was the final bullet point on his checklist. He was graciously gifted the entire homebrew set from the family of a US Air Force veteran who passed. We played around with a few recipes just to get used to the equipment, shared them with friends and family and we surprisingly received positive feedback from everyone. We tried to be hard on them to be as critical as they could be since we didn't want them to be nice to us. After a while, we realized that we had a gem on our hands. With this, we decided to join together in building an empire!